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Sabtu, 30 April 2016

How to Get Adsense Account Approved for Blogspot with Little Trick

Update: This trick doesn’t work, but you can always get an AdSense account by creating a valid website. Learn how this guy got his AdSense account in one month.

We all know that Adsense contextual ads are best-paying Ad program for Bloggers. Though, I have already shared my tutorial on: Create Adsense account but question remains the same: How to get Adsense accountapproval for BlogSpot bloggers, getting an AdSense approval is not that easy. Google AdSense have some strict account approval policies, and one of them is blog should be six months old. Though, it’s not always true, and if you have created a quality Website, you can get an approved AdSense account easily.
The major problem is for BlogSpot bloggers, for some reasons Google AdSense, doesn’t entertain BlogSpot bloggers. One of the most common reason BlogSpot bloggers get is Issue with page type.  One easy way to get AdSense account with a BlogSpot blog is grabbed a custom domain, create a professional Email address and apply for AdSense account. This works, in 70% of cases. But, in case if you don’t have money to spend on a domain, here is a free trick which will get you an AdSense account approval with co.cc domain.
There is a simple trick which you can use to get your AdSense account approved for Blogspot domain quickly.
how to get adsense accountIf your BlogSpot account have sufficient number of post (minimum 5+) then it’s easy to get your AdSense account approved. If you have personal domain and host chances of AdSense approval are very high.
Now the question is,

How to get Adsense account approval using Co.Cc Domain trick:

There are many web services which provide you free domain names and that will be very handy for you to get your Google AdSense account approved easily. One of the tricks which worked for me at the time of writing this post is: Using Co.cc domain for Adsense approval. Here I’m sharing my step by step guide for budding bloggers to get AdSense account:
Register yourself by going to .co.cc domain registration page. Select your free domain name, I will suggest using the same domain name which you have on Blogspot. This will help you to preserve your Blog brand name. In fact, whenever you plan to migrate to WordPress, make sure you buy the domain name with your current BlogSpot or co.cc domain name.
Suppose if you have domain name as virgintech.blogspot.com then search for the availability of virgintech.co.cc.
Activate your account and login to your .co.cc account and click on Set up>> manage domain
Select Zone record and in the host column enter your .co.cc domain name :shoutmeloud.co.cc
Now select CNAME for Type and enter ghs.google.com on the value field.
By now you have done setting up your co.cc domain, and it’s time now to set up your Blogspot blog for the same.

How to redirect your blogspot blog to custom domain?

Login to your blogspot account, under settings>publishing, select Switch to custom domain
  • Now enter your co.cc domain name in the field and click on save.
  • It will take one to two days to take settings in effect.
  • As soon as your blog is redirected .co.cc domain , apply for adsense again.
  • Some time Google AdSense reject the application, don’t worry about it. Resubmit the application from the link mentioned in the rejection email.
Even I got my AdSense account approved after almost 15 resubmission.

Jumat, 29 April 2016

8 The World's Most Dangerous Island

Earth is made up of several continents, oceans, including the islands are inhabited and not inhabited. Some islands are considered as the island's most dangerous and deadliest in the world. This can happen for several reasons, including the presence of predators or even toxic substances. There are dangerous because the island has a sulfur gas, nuclear radiation or traces of the former factory of chemical and biological weapons. Although dangerous and toxic, however, many tourists are curious and have the balls still come to the islands of the most dangerous. Here are 8 islands that are considered the most dangerous in the world, sepeerti quoted versesofuniverse.blogspot.com. Ilha de Queimada Grande is an island located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Island with an area of 430,000 square meters (110 hectares) was nicknamed "Snake Island", and now uninhabited although remnants of the lighthouse prove the existence of humans in the past. Keeping the lighthouse today must be the job of risking life, karen island is completely filled with snakes - snakes around one for every square meter of the island. Snake is there was not any snakes. Three of the four species of snake that is documented in Ilha de Queimada Grande is a venomous vipers. Bothrops insularis, Golden lancehead, is one of the deadliest snakes on Earth. Because these snakes prey on birds instead of mammals, their venom has grown to be up to five times more toxic than their mainland relatives. More read here.   7. Gruinard Island In World War II, the British government decided to test anthrax to be used as a biological weapon and buy Gruinard Island of the owner to be used as a testing ground. Island in a part of Scotland, it remains contaminated with anthrax for decades - at least until 1986, when 280 tons of formaldehyde sprayed on the island to kill the spores. Gruinard Island was later declared free of the dangers in 1990, but it is likely there is another danger that threatens there, because no one knows how long-term effects of formaldehyde poisoning.   6. Miyakejima Miyakejima island, located in the Izu island group, in Japan, is a volcanic island with an active volcano which erupts every few years, but much more lethal toxic sulfur gas that seeps from the mountains and from the ground. In July 2000, the Mount at Miyakejima, Mount Oyama erupted (again) to encourage evacuation completed in September of the same year. No one was allowed back for five years, but even now the residents told to carry gas masks and use it every time when the alarm warning of high levels of sulfur in the air rang. Remarkably, Miyakejima then become a tourist spot, because many people are curious to know from the internet and visit there. Stores that sell gas masks to tourists are springing up there .. Sulfur is emitted, but it did not seem dangerous ... for a while ... Read more read here   5. Island runit Enewetak Atoll is part of the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Island on the list here is the island runit. This is because the US nuclear testing in the atoll for years until the late 1970s, when some residents were allowed to return. Unfortunately, the massive cleanup operation by the United States in 1977, taking 111,000 cubic meters of soil and debris contaminated from nearby islands and buried in the blast crater at the tip of the island runit. US military to build a dome of 100,000 square feet consisting of 358 concrete panels - known as Cactus Dome - to cover the soil and debris contaminated. In 1980, the government decided runit Island safe for occupancy. But safe for whom? It seems that the island is clearly not safe for anyone on this planet, humans and animals. 4. Vozrozhdeniya Vozrozhdeniya Island, which ironically is also known as Rebirth Island, and now with the state-owned Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, is unique because of the shrinking of the water of the Aral Sea, the island is effectively rejoin the mainland. Though no longer be an island, but people might think a thousand times to set foot on it! In 1948, the Soviets established a biological weapons lab here is testing some of the most dangerous disease agents known. Smallpox, anthrax and tularemia are just a few of them. According to newly released documents, spores of anthrax and bubonic plague bacteria made into weapons and stored here. The island was abandoned in 1992. In 2000, the US helped shortly anthrax decontamination ten storage sites, and the Kazakh government said that it had been entirely. But no one dares to set foot in Vozrozhdeniya, because the container carrying the virus and bacterial diseases that are stored here ever leak.  3. Bikini Atoll Operation Crossroads, which took place in 1946, consists of a series of nuclear detonation at Bikini Atoll, in the Marshall Islands. One such explosion is an explosion Baker (pictured above), which resulted in highly radioactive water that contaminates a variety of nearby ships which then need to be decontaminated. Then in March 1954, the United States exploded the first hydrogen bomb at Bikini Atoll in Operation Castle Bravo - the largest nuclear explosion ever created by the US. Large radiation falls far exceeded expectations, polluting the nearby islands as well as at least one Japanese fishing boats were 23 crew contaminated. This scandal is the basis for the film Godzilla. In 1968 the US government decided that Bikini Atoll was safe to live in again, but unfortunately they speak too fast. In 1978, French scientists discovered high levels of strontium-90 in the body of the local community, and there are many cases of miscarriage and other health problems suffered by residents of the island who live in Bikini Atoll. Local residents thus evacuated again, and a large settlement built for their survival. Most of the refugees refuse to return to Bikini Atoll completely safe from contamination.   2. Farallon Island Farallon Island, which lies off the coast of San Francisco, is absolutely beautiful. This is a Natural Wildlife Refuge for whales, seals and sharks, and home to many seabirds. Divers visiting to explore the area - but there are concerns, especially regarding security. Over the years, 1946-1970, the sea in the area was used as a nuclear waste disposal site. The risk to the environment is not known for certain, but it is believed that efforts to lift containers from the waste Farallon Island and the surrounding area would actually be more dangerous than leaving them where they are now located. In all, there are 47,500 drums, each with a capacity of 55 gallons. That's a lot of hazardous waste!   1. Okunoshima Sometimes known as Rabbit Island, Okunoshima during the years of World War II is a toxic gas plant Japan. Because confidentiality is very important - when the Japanese had just signed a treaty banning the toxic gases in the war - the Japanese remove the islands from their maps. Six kilotons of mustard gas produced here, with the rabbits used as laboratory animals. When the war ended, the Allies rid of all toxic gases. Small children who find a guinea pig here let them loose and now the rabbits have been many times the amount. Okunoshima has been decontaminated, but who knows, there may still be remnants of gas that ally buried here who have not been revealed.

New Emerging Phenomenon Island from the Sea

New Emerging Phenomenon Island from the Sea Strange phenomenon occurred in the sea of ​​Japan. There is an island emerged from the sea later the greater body after a volcanic eruption in the mainland sticking. Niijima, the name of the island, is growing after the unexpected joining adjacent islands, Nishinosima. The mysterious island entered the Tokyo area, although located quite far from the coast. now, the size of the island in the Ogasawara Islands is 2,290 square meters, 49 times larger than Tokyo Dome baseball stadium seating 55,000 in Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan. Japanese Maritime Coastal Agency (JCG) reported on Thursday, December 25 last, there has been regurgitated from the crater of the volcano on the island thought to be a trigger increase in size of the land it. "The mountain on the island spewing lava into the southern part of the island, as much as 5-6 times," said JCG, as quoted from Liputan6.com. Niijima island initially emerged from the sea after a mountain in it erupted, on 20 November 2013 ago. At first, the volcano's diameter is only about 150 meters away, and the size of the island is about 300 x 200 meters. Then in March 2014, based on satellite imagery, Niijima Island is known to have joined the Nishinosima. The combined size to 1,000 square meters. Altitude island rose to 60 meters above sea level, and is now 110 meters above sea level. According CJG, this phenomenon is the first time since 1974-1974, which also never happened something similar, where an island emerged from the sea after a volcanic eruption. Japanese government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said it welcomed if the island can really permanent and can be occupied by humans. "We are happy if later it can be permanent," said Suga. Dramatic pictures showing the joining of Niijima island to island Nishinosima you can see here A similar incident also occurred in 2013 ago. A similar new island appeared off the coast of Pakistan. Just half an hour after the earth shook greatly disrupted by the earthquake of 7.8 on the Richter scale, on Tuesday, September 24, 2013, another surprise awaits residents of the coastal town of Gwadar. They see a new island appeared in the sea, just 1 kilometer from the beach.

10 Missing Great Invention

This list contents discoveries were reportedly lost or never existed and was banned, concealed or prohibited by certain parties, just as quoted from didunia.net 10. “Greek Fire” By: Byzantine Empire Who likes to play games reeks of history may know. It is a weapon used Byzantine empire, especially in the fight at sea. They say the fire was still alive despite being on the water. Manufacturing processes and technical bahan2 completely suppressed by the military that era. Bahan2 reportedly composition containing naftalene, calcium oxide, sulfur, etc. These weapons are said to be the inspiration and forerunner of modern flame-thrower. 9. Orgone By: Wilhelm Reich According to Reich's Orgone is a hypothetical form of energy that is expressed as a universal bioenergetic force that generates life energy which is useful for therapy. Orgone energy generating devices themselves have made with a combination of wood, metal and organic material. Until 1950, the device is sold. But the FDA (American BPOMnya), protested a result of research on orgone are not diapprove by many scientists. The court granted, and ordered to be destroyed orgone generating tools, and related topics buku2 Reich is also banned. 8. "Perpetual Motion" By: Viktor Schauberger Simply put, this tool can reportedly generate employment is greater than the energy it consumes (certainly not may violate the law of conservation of energy). Schauberger actually admitted to not make these tools, he admitted using the natural strength of the Earth, but rumors that he manages to make a vigorous circulation. After the 2nd world war, Schauberger was arrested and interrogated about his research. The entire archive of work and prototype confiscated. 7. Ozone therapy By: Some medical experts and biochemistry The device associated with this mechanism is actually widely circulated. Some doctors believe ozone has the ability to heal. However, ozone also are toxic and harmful to a certain degree. Although it is empirically proven that ozone lessened due to some diseases, the use of ozone for therapy is prohibited in many countries. Americans even prohibit the marketing, use, or even research on the clinical benefits of ozone therapy. Doctoral who used it in danger of losing his medical license. 6. The anti-gravity device By: Thomas Townsend Brown 1956, Interavia, a flight publication reported that Brown managed to make substantial progress in the electro-gravity propulsion research. Many aerospace projects in the United States also conducted a similar study, and very secret. Brown himself argued that his work may explain the mechanism of action 'flying saucer'. Research Brown was very popular and was followed by amateurs around the world by creating a replica, in the form of 'lifting' by the high voltage power source. 5. Device cold fusion By: Eugene Mallove Simply, cold fusion is the process of nuclear fusion in a similar temperature normal room temperature. Mallove is the author of Fire from Ice, which contains the report and Fleischmann-Ponn advanced research on cold fusion. Reportedly, his research can yield enormous energy of the process. However, research seems ridiculed and rejected by many mainstream physicists. Mallove was murdered in 2004 in Connecticut by an unknown person. Reportedly his death was related to his research. 4. The fuel cell water By: Stanley Meyer Meyer successfully patented 9 patents related to water powered car. But then he is required by the investors on fraud charges by weight and must reimburse $ 25,000. Time of his death, an autopsy showed he died of aneurism. His supporters claim that he was killed by the giant oil corporations, the assassin of the middle east and Belgium, and the US government, to cover these findings 3. Machine earthquake By: Nikola Tesla When the experiment with one osilatornya, Tesla reportedly made a resonance at various nearby buildings, and a complaint to the police. As a result of large shocks generated, he was forced to break the instrument and thwart his experiments. This topic never existed in the Discovery Channel MythBusters, where the phenomenon of the so-called mechanical resonance tested on a bridge that should hold of the style of it. When the oscillator is applied, it is evident that the shocks that occurred on the bridge, but no cracks in the ground effect. This may explain the phenomenon that Tesla did, since time immemorial there has been no building constructed to avoid such resonance. 2. “Flexible Glass” By: An inventor at the time of Emperor Tiberius This is the legend of the amazing discoveries in the beginning of the solar year. Reportedly a craftsman who created the technique of the emperor make a bowl made from flexible glass, and when the emperor knocked him to the floor, only dent the material, and not broken. The inventors then fix it easily using a hammer. When the inventor promised that only he knows the technique of creating the material, he was beheaded. The emperor was afraid the material as it drops the value of gold and silver. 1. Chronovisor By: Mr Marcello Pellegrino Ernetti In 1960, the father Ernetti claim to have created over time vision device, called Chronovisor, and reportedly can see kejadian2 in the past. According to this account, the energy and the sound generated is stored in an object in its environment. The proper setting of Chronovisor can reconstruct the energy into image and sound of an event in the past. Through the screen, Ernetti father claimed to see a performance of poetry in the ancient Roman masses BC by Quintus Ennius. He also claimed to see Christ dying on the Cross. Before he died in 1994, Ernetti father said that he and all those involved in the research Chronovisor attend a meeting in the Vatican, where the only Chronovisor machine is destroyed.

5 Findings Thomas Alva Edison were not disclosed to the public

Edison is an entrepreneur and scientist and inventor of the United States that has so much research. He is also the founder of 14 companies, including General Electric. Edison has patented more than 1,000 inventions in the US. The results of the study include the magnitude of the light bulb, ponograf (phonograph), the camera moves, and an armature. However, there are discoveries not revealed to the public. Gearlog largest recorded at least five Edison invention is not so widely known, as reported from apakabardunia.com   1. Machine Voice (1868) Long before the American use Diebold machines for counting, Edison already offers a tool called Vote Recorder findings. This tool calculates the noise model Yes or No question. Unfortunately, totalizer This sound has a slow process. To the extent that one of the Congressional Committee Chairman said, "If there is a discovery on this earth we do not want, this is the machine he is."   2. Voice Doll (1877) Not only invented the phonograph, Edison also refine a miniature version of the music player, which is then placed inside a doll. Phonograph recordings can then be played a rhyme for children, so that the doll as if speaking.   3. Battery Electric Car (1880) When Edison introduced a nickel-iron battery, he then dreams of making electric cars. Several carmakers like Detroit Electric and Baker Electric, then adopt the technologies introduced Edison. However, later in a dinner party, Henry Ford provides a small note to the Edison Electric car goes off dead. After that, these words proved to be true. Edison's dream was never accomplished.   4. Film Frankenstein (1910) In 1891 Edison patented the first film camera called Kinematograph. In 1910, his company, Edison Manufacturing Company Studio, create a Frankenstein movie, a film adaptation of his novel Mary Shelley's classic horror.   5. Special Phone Souls (1920) This finding is one subject that is still debated. Edison had told some media about its efforts to find a way to call those who had died. In 1921 he clarify it by telling the New York Times, that his invention could detect life unit that was among the dead. However, many say that Edison failed miserably in his attempt this time. When the tool has been found, it is possible to be dialed first is the ghost of Edison himself.