Jumat, 29 April 2016

10 Missing Great Invention

This list contents discoveries were reportedly lost or never existed and was banned, concealed or prohibited by certain parties, just as quoted from didunia.net 10. “Greek Fire” By: Byzantine Empire Who likes to play games reeks of history may know. It is a weapon used Byzantine empire, especially in the fight at sea. They say the fire was still alive despite being on the water. Manufacturing processes and technical bahan2 completely suppressed by the military that era. Bahan2 reportedly composition containing naftalene, calcium oxide, sulfur, etc. These weapons are said to be the inspiration and forerunner of modern flame-thrower. 9. Orgone By: Wilhelm Reich According to Reich's Orgone is a hypothetical form of energy that is expressed as a universal bioenergetic force that generates life energy which is useful for therapy. Orgone energy generating devices themselves have made with a combination of wood, metal and organic material. Until 1950, the device is sold. But the FDA (American BPOMnya), protested a result of research on orgone are not diapprove by many scientists. The court granted, and ordered to be destroyed orgone generating tools, and related topics buku2 Reich is also banned. 8. "Perpetual Motion" By: Viktor Schauberger Simply put, this tool can reportedly generate employment is greater than the energy it consumes (certainly not may violate the law of conservation of energy). Schauberger actually admitted to not make these tools, he admitted using the natural strength of the Earth, but rumors that he manages to make a vigorous circulation. After the 2nd world war, Schauberger was arrested and interrogated about his research. The entire archive of work and prototype confiscated. 7. Ozone therapy By: Some medical experts and biochemistry The device associated with this mechanism is actually widely circulated. Some doctors believe ozone has the ability to heal. However, ozone also are toxic and harmful to a certain degree. Although it is empirically proven that ozone lessened due to some diseases, the use of ozone for therapy is prohibited in many countries. Americans even prohibit the marketing, use, or even research on the clinical benefits of ozone therapy. Doctoral who used it in danger of losing his medical license. 6. The anti-gravity device By: Thomas Townsend Brown 1956, Interavia, a flight publication reported that Brown managed to make substantial progress in the electro-gravity propulsion research. Many aerospace projects in the United States also conducted a similar study, and very secret. Brown himself argued that his work may explain the mechanism of action 'flying saucer'. Research Brown was very popular and was followed by amateurs around the world by creating a replica, in the form of 'lifting' by the high voltage power source. 5. Device cold fusion By: Eugene Mallove Simply, cold fusion is the process of nuclear fusion in a similar temperature normal room temperature. Mallove is the author of Fire from Ice, which contains the report and Fleischmann-Ponn advanced research on cold fusion. Reportedly, his research can yield enormous energy of the process. However, research seems ridiculed and rejected by many mainstream physicists. Mallove was murdered in 2004 in Connecticut by an unknown person. Reportedly his death was related to his research. 4. The fuel cell water By: Stanley Meyer Meyer successfully patented 9 patents related to water powered car. But then he is required by the investors on fraud charges by weight and must reimburse $ 25,000. Time of his death, an autopsy showed he died of aneurism. His supporters claim that he was killed by the giant oil corporations, the assassin of the middle east and Belgium, and the US government, to cover these findings 3. Machine earthquake By: Nikola Tesla When the experiment with one osilatornya, Tesla reportedly made a resonance at various nearby buildings, and a complaint to the police. As a result of large shocks generated, he was forced to break the instrument and thwart his experiments. This topic never existed in the Discovery Channel MythBusters, where the phenomenon of the so-called mechanical resonance tested on a bridge that should hold of the style of it. When the oscillator is applied, it is evident that the shocks that occurred on the bridge, but no cracks in the ground effect. This may explain the phenomenon that Tesla did, since time immemorial there has been no building constructed to avoid such resonance. 2. “Flexible Glass” By: An inventor at the time of Emperor Tiberius This is the legend of the amazing discoveries in the beginning of the solar year. Reportedly a craftsman who created the technique of the emperor make a bowl made from flexible glass, and when the emperor knocked him to the floor, only dent the material, and not broken. The inventors then fix it easily using a hammer. When the inventor promised that only he knows the technique of creating the material, he was beheaded. The emperor was afraid the material as it drops the value of gold and silver. 1. Chronovisor By: Mr Marcello Pellegrino Ernetti In 1960, the father Ernetti claim to have created over time vision device, called Chronovisor, and reportedly can see kejadian2 in the past. According to this account, the energy and the sound generated is stored in an object in its environment. The proper setting of Chronovisor can reconstruct the energy into image and sound of an event in the past. Through the screen, Ernetti father claimed to see a performance of poetry in the ancient Roman masses BC by Quintus Ennius. He also claimed to see Christ dying on the Cross. Before he died in 1994, Ernetti father said that he and all those involved in the research Chronovisor attend a meeting in the Vatican, where the only Chronovisor machine is destroyed.

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